With word that the 1970’s era “temporary” canopy at King’s Cross is slated for demolition and removal over the next year, I thought I might take a quick look at some of the photos I’ve taken of it over the past few months.
One interesting fact I learned about the canopy while researching this post, is the fact that since it is considered a temporary structure, Camden council have had to renew planning approval for it each year.

The canopy with the St. Pancras Clock Tower in the background and the concourse underneath on show.
Close-up of the canopy and sign with an ever present CCTV camera on show
The canopy with the King’s Cross Clock Tower in the background.
One of four photos taken the weekend before demolition began, the edge of the concourse on a rainy day.
The canopy as seen through the sign for St. Pancras Station. The two rail stations share the same underground one.
The view down Euston Road, with the canopy to the left.
View of the Grade I listed façade of King’s Cross Station, with the roof of the canopy below.
Overall, I think the station will look far nicer with the removal of the canopy. Objectively, it is a rather ugly structure and blocks the much more beautiful façade of King’s Cross Station itself. However, I do feel a slight attachment to the canopy all the same. The last time I visited London before moving here (July 2005), I stayed at a hostel near King’s Cross and it’s been one of the few constants in the area over the years.
Still I very much look forward to how the new “public” square that will replace the canopy will look. If it looks anything like the one behind the station, it will be an improvement. Yet, concerns still remain that it the “public” square will be controlled by a private security firm like the area behind the station. Fine if you’re just walking through, but it does raise many questions about public spaces in London.