View From The Top Of The Shard

View From The Top Of The Shard

What: View From The Top Of The Shard


When: June, 2011.

Where: Shard, Southwark, London, SE1

Story: Great sunrise view of The City of London as taken from the Shard last month. Love the panorama effect that let’s you see all the way out to Canary Wharf. Notice the rings for the Olympics have just been installed on Tower Bridge.

Slow Sunday – Video By Drew McFayden

What better choice for a Sunday afternoon than a video called Slow Sunday. As the name suggests it shows London slowed down – specifically the areas around City Hall and the South side of Tower Bridge. It was created by Drew McFayden as an experiment using a Canon 600D with a Canon 50mm and 18-135mm lens (I don’t know what that means, but I assume it’s pretty good).

He says that

I spent a few hours late Sunday afternoon taking shots. In a few hours I took 150 shots, mostly short takes lasting around 30sec -1min. some was unusable but the were some nice shots as well. It was all shot hand held without any tripod (I don’t own one at the moment).

Overall, I think the video shows a lot of promise but isn’t quite as polished as it could be. This may be due in part to issues he had with editing it on an old computer. However, I really enjoyed the use of Philip Glass’ music as it creates a bit of a haunting feeling. I look forward to seeing what Drew comes out with next.

Commuting Into Waterloo Station – Time-Lapse Video

I just found this wonderful video of people commuting to and from Waterloo Station. There are many great shots of the more mundane elements of commuting from people waiting for their train to commuters touching in to them finding a seat (if they’re lucky). However, the highlight for me are some the shots of the buildings you can see from the train including the ever popular Shard and Battersea Power Station among others.

Update 24-04-2012: Just found out this video was created by Iris Wu. You can see more of her work on her website: