I’ve decided that one of the regular features of this blog will be to look at iconic London landmarks in a variety of different ways. There are dozens of famous sites that tourists flock to each year. Very broadly speaking, most people take relatively similar pictures of a given building, attraction, monument, etc.
I honestly don’t think this is a bad thing, but I do find it interesting. For me, the interesting thing is when someone can take a famous landmark and present it in a way I’ve never seen before. This can be as simple as taking a photo from a new angle to as complex as finding out what a site used to look like; either from historic photos, videos or paintings. For most major London landmarks there are potentially dozens if not hundreds of ways they could be presented.
To that end, I will pick a given London landmark and then over several days present it in a variety of different ways. Most photos and other work will not be my own, but I will always attempt to add my own (generally inferior) work to any series. It is very easy for anyone who has lived in London, for any period of time, to forget how wonderful and amazing this city can be.
My ultimate goal is nothing more than to show London’s famous landmarks in a new light. It’s not going to suddenly make any of us love the flocks of tourists these sites attract, but I hope it will at least make you stop and pause when you pass one. Life in London can often be a pain, but there are some real privileges to living here. I for one would not choose to live anywhere else.
First In The Series
The first landmark in the series will be the Battersea Power Station. While by no means the most iconic or famous landmark in London, it remains popular with photographers in particular. It’s redevelopment has a long history of failures, and at the moment doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere fast.
Still it’s hard to image that such prime real estate in central London won’t eventually get developed. But until that happens, you can be sure people will keep snapping photos of the site.
You can view all photos from this series from the London Landmarks category page.